
Showing posts from January, 2017

"Hey Aunt Flow" Surfing The Crimson Wave

"Hey Aunt Flow!" Surfing The Crimson Wave with LOLA Organic Cotton Tampons & Emily Doll Period. The unavoidable coming of age moment for all girls. The day being care free ends and you always have to be prepared to possibly bleed onto your favorite jeans because, thanks mother nature.  Women have periods. It is how our bodies work. Yet over the years they have become taboo. I mean, lets get real, a lot of men can't even say the word and a lot of us are too uncomfortable to carry a box of tampons through the store and then desperately try to find a female checker. Its so silly. This blog will be talking about one of the most natural and un-disgusting thing a woman's body does, it bleeds.  Are you done being shocked by that statement? I can imagine not many of my male followers are still with me at this point, if you are, kudos to you, you are a grown ass man who doesn't let things like a woman's period scare you off. I applaud you.  ...

A Year In Beauty: My Changing Looks with Ipsy Glam Bag: January

A Year In Beauty: My Changing Looks with  Ipsy Glam Bag By  Emily Doll Happy New Year's my loves!!! I hope the beauty god's are treating you well so far in 2017. As most of you know, I wrote a monthly blog called "A Year In Beauty" featuring a review of my monthly Ipsy Glam Bag goodies and the look I created with them. I enjoy doing these blogs so much and you all seem to enjoy them as well seeing as they are some of my highest hit blogs I write.  I wanted to continue with my "A Year In Beauty" project but also give it a face lift for 2017 and change things up a bit so we didn't get stale. This year I will be focusing more on my passion and inspiration behind each look I create with my Glam Bag and not just the products themselves.  Now of course I will tell you how I feel about my bag and what I got as well as what I like and dislike. Each blog will include links and info to each brand that was in my bag, and links to get a Glam B...

Get You A Girl Who... Can Be Herself!

Get You A Girl Who... Can Be Herself! with  Emily Doll "They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, unfortunately most people have a very unrealistic and ugly perspective of what beauty really is. Is it perfect boobs? The perfect waist line? Maybe its a big fat booty and a tiny waist, or maybe its a tiny booty and an average waist? Either way, whatever that beauty looks like on the outside isn't what you should be focused on. Who is that girl on the inside, and what truly makes her a beautiful piece of art?" I grew up feeding off of photo shopped images of what women were suppose to look like. I remember caking on so much concealer under my eyes I could have scraped it off with my finger nail after I became obsessed with beauty magazines, and thinking women's skin was suppose to be that flawless. Dark circles were one of the things I hated most about myself after that I started dedicating my time to beauty magazines. I wasn't even 16 yet and trying to...

Fatness Alwaysdines.. A Family Treasure Lost But Not Forgotten

We Love You Fatness Our Kitty, Our Loss, Our Memories, and New Beginnings  by Emily Doll Since I was very little we had cats. My mom was totally that crazy cat lady who fed and adopted every cat in the neighborhood. It drove my Grandma crazy. I got my first kitten when I was about four, I named him Winker-Doodled and insisted that he was in fact a she lol. I loved him and he lived a very long time. I've had several cats since then. My Zoe who was purposefully hit by a man in his yellow Corvette when he drove past our house, and when my mother confronted him he handed me twenty dollars and said "Just go buy a new one" I was so upset. I had Cargo Buster Buzz Buzz Coop, who my Aunt found under the hood of a car. He slept on the table while I did my school work and would play hide and go seek with me in the living room. I would count and he would run and hide under the piano. When I would go look for him, he would jump out and jump on my ...