Woman Of The Golden Moon Beauty Look: Blog Breakdown
Woman Of The Golden Moon The Blog Breakdown by Emily Doll The Vintage Doll Featuring the amazing biodegradable glitters from my glitter line Glitter Babes with Trigger Happy Cosmetics Hello all of my beautiful readers and welcome to the first of what I hop will be a new blog series you will all enjoy. I create elaborate beauty looks that range from elegant and classic to bold and colorful. Sometimes I do them for fun and sometimes I create them around products I am show casing or brands I am working with. Either way, it allows me to express my love of beauty while allowing my creative mind to fly free. You all enjoy the final product of these looks and always have so many questions about how I put them together, so I thought "Why not blog these looks?" so that's what I decided to start doing!!! Each look will have three different features. Two videos tutorials, one for makeup and one for hair, as well as a final blog that explains my look ...